
Energetický tarif

Prozkoumat výhody
Fonergy | Zákazníci

+20 000


Fonergy | 12 let dodáváme energii

12 let


Fonergy | 4.8 hvězdičky z 5



Fonergy | 0 smluvních pokut

0 Kč



I don't have a customer account

Let's change that! Online registration is easy and fast. Click on Register online , fill in your details and click on "Continue".

With online registration we will create a customer account for you, where you can add your consumption points.

I have a customer account

Great! Add electricity and gas consumption points to the customer's account using a simple online form , and we will then send you a draft contract to sign in the application or by email.

After signing the contract, we will be happy to take care of everything you need, including giving notice to the existing supplier.

TIP! You can monitor the progress of the change of supplier in the customer account and in the FONERGY application.

I want to change the amount of the deposit
Your FONERGY customer account and application is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In the Contract settings menu, simply change the amount of the deposit to suit your current consumption.

TIP! In the same place, you can also change the account number for sending overpayments or the method of payment of advances.
I want to change my contact details
Your FONERGY customer account and application is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In the Customer menu in the customer account or Profile in the application, you can change your telephone number, email, permanent residence address and your login details.
I have a customer account

Add electricity and gas consumption points to your customer account using a simple online form . We will then send you contracts to sign in the application or by email. We need to provide a copy of the audit report to complete the connection. Then we will be happy to take care of everything you need.

How long it takes? If we have all the documents, we will usually handle the connection within 10 days.

Don't have a distributor connection yet? Tell us about it and we will be happy to handle it for you.

I don't have a customer account

Let's change that! Online registration is easy and fast. Click on Register online , fill in your data in the registration form and click on "Continue".

With online registration we will create a customer account for you, where you can add your consumption points.

I need to reconnect the meter or gas meter
Contact us and tell us what the reason for the disassembly was so we can help you reconnect. Unfortunately, we cannot help customers who have been disassembled for non-payment by previous energy suppliers.
I am buying a property with an energy supply from FONERGY

It's simple. Register online, attach a electricity or gas transfer protocol with meter readings and don't forget to let us know that there is a change of customer. We will take care of everything for you.

How long will the customer change take? If we have all the documents, the change will usually take a week from the conclusion of the contract.

I buy real estate and I want energy from FONERGY
I don't have a customer account! Click on Register online and fill in your details. After confirming the entered data, we will send you a link to log in to your newly created customer account to your email address.

I have a customer account! Add electricity and gas consumption points to your customer account using a simple online form , and we will then send you contracts to sign in the application or by email. Together with the signed contract, send us a proof of use of the property (eg an extract from the real estate cadastre, lease agreement, etc.) and a handover protocol signed by the seller and the buyer, we will take care of everything else for you.

How long will the customer change take? If we have all the documents, the change will usually take 30 days from the conclusion of the contract.
I am selling a property and the supply of energy continues at FONERGY

It's simple. Arrange with the new property owner to register online and attach the electricity or gas handover protocol, in which we will find the meter readings. We will solve everything for you.

How long will the customer change take? If we have all the documents, the change will usually take a week from the conclusion of the contract.

I am selling property and energy will not continue at FONERGY
Email us to  and tell us that you are selling the property and prove the sale of the property with a purchase contract or an extract from the Land Register.

How long does it take to terminate the contract? Usually 15 working days from delivery of all documents.

Spočítejte si cenu elektřiny a plynu

Spočítat elektřinu

Fonergy | Elektřina

Spočítat plyn

Fonergy | Plyn

Poradíme vám

Fonergy | Podpora

Proč přejít
na férovku



Vyúčtování a veškeré potřebné info máte vždy k dispozici v aplikaci.


Tarif můžete kdykoliv opustit, nejste vázáni fixacemi ani pokutami.


U nás nevedeme žádné skryté poplatky ani jiná nepříjemná překvapení.


Veškerou administrativu vyřídíme za vás.

Co NEnajdete
u tarifu budoucnosti


Žádné závazky


Žádné pokuty


Žádné podmínky


Žádné papírování


Žádné háčky

Zajímá vás jediný
tarif bez závazků a pokut?

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a vyzkoušejte
Férovku na měsíc

Kód země

Odesláním formuláře (stiskem tlačítka “Kontaktujte mě”) s telefonním číslem souhlasíte se zpracováním osobních údajů a s kontaktováním s nabídkou služeb. Více o ochraně soukromí a možnostech odvolání souhlasu najdete na této stránce.


Co je u nás nového

Fonergy pomáhá

Poskytneme svým klientům, kteří byli postiženi povodněmi, možnost odkladu záloh na energie až o dva…

Nové monitory dechu od Fonergy

U nás myslíme i na ty nejmenší! 

Snížení cen od 1.1.2024

Od 1.1.2024 opět snižujeme ceny elektřiny i plynu. Nové ceníky platné  pro všechny stávající i nové…

Stáhněte si naši mobilní aplikaci a mějte o všem přehled.

Fonergy | Mobilní aplikace

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